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Case Study


An ethical law company helping normal people in their search for justice from large corporations

When we first started working with SPG they were rapidly evolving as a company, with their requirement evolving with them. We worked tirelessly to match our service to their needs, as they expanded their space, gradually taking on more floors in the building. We delivered a space to be as comfortable and functional as possible.

Dealing with clients and staff all over the UK, function and accessibility were at the heart of this requirement. Located in the heart of the City, this office offered the perfect setting.




2-3 Hind Court, London, EC4


6 weeks



Key features
  • Branding manifestation
  • Open plan design
  • Brand integration throughout
  • Collaborative spaces
  • Invoice Management

Dalberg opted for the full package of managed services available through Workplace+ including; IT Managed service, Utilities management, cleaning and a regular supply of team beers delivered cold on a Friday afternoon.

The cost breakdown as a lease

As a lease (office to be managed by the client) prior to engaging Workplace+. SPG Law calculated the full cost of occupying the space as detailed below:

Per sq ft
Monthly Spend
Business Rates
Service Charge
Fit Out


Per sq ft
Monthly Spend

As a Workplace+ Managed Office

Working with Workplace+ Dahlberg condensed all above listed costs into a simplified monthly fee of £ with no additional fees.
The client benefitted from a fully managed office with no upfront capex and achieved a net saving of £ a month.
Workplace+ managed our entire office move for us, they made the whole process so stress free, I can’t recommend them enough. The IT team were incredible, they had our fibre installed and was switched on by the day we moved in. Our business can’t function without it, so this was a massive sticking point for us with other offices.
Client Testimonial