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Case Study


TranslateMedia is a language service provider and technology company that helps global brands and retailers expand into new developed and emerging markets globally. The company leverages its network of over 10,000 in-country, native, professional translators to deliver high-quality localised content in more than 100 languages, and provides clients with a range of smart technology to aid the process and language management.

TranslateMedia hired Workplace+ to offer a full turnkey solution from finding the office to providing a fully managed solution.

With innovation at the heart of this company’s core, we wanted to deliver an office to meet those expectations. 1-11 Carteret Street, SW1 provided TranslateMedia with the ideal home for their employees. The landlord was offering the space in Cat A condition, perfect for our design team to really integrate the companies culture in to the space. Workplace+ was also brought in to manage all day to day running of the office.

It quickly became clear to the Directors that by appointing Workplace+ TranslateMedia would not only benefit from a fully managed office requiring no hands on management from internal staff but they would also stand to make considerable savings to boot.




1-11 Carteret Street, SW1


5 weeks



Key features
  • Branding manifestation
  • Open plan design
  • Brand integration throughout
  • Collaborative spaces
  • Invoice Management

TranslateMedia opted for the full package of managed services available through Workplace+ including; IT Managed service, Utilities management and cleaning

The cost breakdown as a lease

As a lease (office to be managed by the client) prior to engaging Workplace+. TranslateMedia calculated the full cost of occupying the space as detailed below:

Per sq ft
Monthly Spend
Business Rates
Service Charge
Fit Out


Per sq ft
Monthly Spend

As a Workplace+ Managed Office

Working with Workplace+ TranslateMedia condensed all above listed costs into a simplified monthly fee of £3916 with no additional fees.
The client benefitted from a fully managed office with no upfront capex and achieved an estimated net saving of £1,480 a year.
We managed our last central London move with Workplace+ and were impressed by their approach. Having the combined service that tied together the search, lease, fit-out and various related services meant that we didn't have to spend so much time project managing between the different parties and progress was smooth and we were well informed throughout. We are delighted with the new office, and felt all the way through that the team listened to us carefully and put our feedback to good use.
Matt Train, Translate Media