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Albany Street, London, NW1


The property is located on the corner of Albany Street and Chester Gate and is adjacent to the well renowned Regent's Park.


The properties have recently undergone comprehensive refurbishment, and are arranged over ground and lower ground floor. The ground floors benefit from a floor to ceiling height of approx 2.9 m, large window frontages allowing natural light to flow into the property. The lower ground floors have a good floor to ceiling height of approx 2.4 m, with windows and 3 x vaults suitable for storage. Both properties benefit from a new comfort cooling system as well as kitchenettes, an entry intercom system and integrated network cabling. There is rear access via Cambridge Terrace Mews which provides access through the Lower Ground Floors to both properties. It is also therefore possible to create self-contained offices on the lower ground floor, especially for 85. The Head Lease allows for office and retail use, and the landlord will accept certain uses under Class E. The properties are Grade II Listed.


  • Floor Boxes (Ground Floor)
  • Spot Lighting
  • Comfort Cooling
  • 2 x Kitchenette
  • Great Natural Light
  • Front & Rear Access
  • Video Entry System
  • 3 x Storage Vaults