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Fashion Street, London, E1


The property is located off Brick Lane, in the heart of Spitalfields, overlooking the Hawksmoor Church and grounds.


Fashion Street provides 17,403 sq ft fitted office space arranged over ground, 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors. The accommodation is Grade A 'media style' space and is available in CAT B, with terraces on the 2nd and 3rd floors and a large roof terrace. The building available on a floor by floor basis or for occupiers seeking their own self-contained building.


  • Crittall type steel framed double glazed windows
  • Phone entry system
  • Granite hallway
  • LED lighting
  • Floor to ceiling heights
  • Fully Accessible raised floor
  • LED lighting panels fitted to a regular grid
  • Male/female super loos on each floor
  • Disabled WC with a shower on each floor
  • Exposed brickwork and steel columns
  • LED panels throughout
  • DDA compliant
  • 8 person passenger lift
  • New VRV air conditioning